
这是我的生活!我的回忆!我的一切!! 独一无二

星期二, 十月 29, 2013

Häagen-Dazs Teddy Bear (生活日记)

发帖者 Unknown 时间: 10/29/2013 09:22:00 下午
Today i get a free a Teddy bear
from Häagen-Dazs!!

Is a green logo T brown teddy
Tis is 1st time I'm having the ice cream in the shop
I finish a big plate of ice cream by myself
bcoz of my hubby dun like sweet things = =

You want to know how to get it,right!? 
Jz spend minimum of RM80 and 
inclusive of one Chocolate Hazelnut Brittle pint or creation
This is new fav ice cream
I like it so much bcoz hv my fav hazelnut inside
Bcoz of tis promotion until 31 Oct 2013
so I'm coming too!! =)
这不爱甜食的男人说他是陪我去而已 = =

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星期二, 十月 29, 2013

Häagen-Dazs Teddy Bear (生活日记)

Today i get a free a Teddy bear
from Häagen-Dazs!!

Is a green logo T brown teddy
Tis is 1st time I'm having the ice cream in the shop
I finish a big plate of ice cream by myself
bcoz of my hubby dun like sweet things = =

You want to know how to get it,right!? 
Jz spend minimum of RM80 and 
inclusive of one Chocolate Hazelnut Brittle pint or creation
This is new fav ice cream
I like it so much bcoz hv my fav hazelnut inside
Bcoz of tis promotion until 31 Oct 2013
so I'm coming too!! =)
这不爱甜食的男人说他是陪我去而已 = =




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